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PGXperts Logo and Claim

Healthy innovations need bold pioneers

24. September 2024 /

An evening with bold pioneers

Under the patronage of Member of Parliament Martina Stamm-Fibich, visionary women from the healthcare sector gathered at the Erlangen Palais Stutterheim on September 18, 2024. The event, organized by Medical Valley EMN e.V. and Healthcare Frauen e.V., was held under the motto “Bold Pioneers – Healthy Innovations Need Bold Women”.
Our CEO, Herna Muñoz-Galeano, participated in the panel discussion, sharing her valuable experiences as a successful entrepreneur.

The event was opened by Sonja Wehsely, Senior Vice President of Siemens Healthineers. In her keynote speech, she encouraged women to take on more responsibility and not to shy away from actively shaping it.

Four courageous women with a clear message – Dare to be brave!

The panel discussion, moderated by Martina Stamm-Fibich, provided an exciting platform for four successful women to exchange views:

  • Kristine Lütke, MdB Chairwoman of the Health Working Group of the FDP Federal Parliamentary Group
  • Herna Munoz-Galeano, Founder and Managing Director of PGXperts GmbH
  • Dr. Irmgard Stippler, Chairwoman of the Management Board of AOK Bayern
  • PD Dr. med. Dr. rer. biol. hum. Bettina Hohberger Senior physician at the University Hospital Erlangen


Veranstaltung "Mutige Macherinnen" Medical Valley

The discussion highlighted that women face numerous challenges on their path to leadership positions in healthcare. There is both the competence and the motivation to make a difference. However, the crucial factors are the time and location conditions. Dr. Irmgard Stippler emphasized the urgent need to create more flexible work models to improve the compatibility of work and family life.

Herna Munoz-Galeano impressed with her inspiring story – from Colombia to Germany, and from signaling technology to the founder of PGXperts GmbH. Her courage and strong belief that women can change the world formed the core of her message.

“We work hard, are creative, and can change the world when we pursue a clear purpose,” she emphasized, encouraging women to confidently turn their ideas into action. Her passion for making personalized medication accessible to everyone through PGXperts was clearly felt through her approachable and inspiring manner.”

Courage is empowering!

It was an event full of positive energy with a clear statement about how important courage, solidarity, and innovation are for the advancement of women in the healthcare industry.

Thanks to the entire organizing team and everyone involved.

Check out the press release from Healthcare Frauen e.V. and Medical Valley EMN e.V. here.